Right To Publish campaign stands up against universities unfairly stripping students of their publishing rights
Contact: contact@rspa.org.au
[SYDNEY, NSW, 20 August 2019] The Responsible Student Publishers Association has announced the launch of the ‘Right to Publish’ campaign to defend the legal right students have to publish and benefit economically from their university work. The campaign can be accessed at www.rtp.org.au.
The initiative is focused on raising awareness on student publishing rights and confronting key issues that undermine the rights of student publishers. The RSPA is hopeful that Australian universities will stop unfairly preventing students from publishing their past work and instead contribute to establishing framework and guidance that supports the responsible publishing of past student work.
The #RightToPublish campaign invites current and former students as well as academics to join this initiative by:
1) Sharing our RTP campaign on Facebook and Twitter
2) Signing our change.org petition
3) Tweeting your university and getting them to take notice of this campaign
For more information on how to get involved visit the ‘How do we do this?’ section at www.rtp.org.au.
The Responsible Student Publishers Association seeks to support the rights of students to publish work they create at university. Every year, thousands of Australian students choose to exploit copyright in the work they create during their studies and the association acts as a representative body for these students.